Tom Knapp
~Texas / Mexico
( 1926 - 2016) |
Images of the Mexican Cristeros and Their Rebellion 1927 - 1929.
By Tom Knapp
N.p.: Tom Knapp, 2008. Edition of 50.
11 x 8.75"; 42 pages. 10 original 5 x 7" linocuts. Case bound with paper-covered boards of Mexican handmade Mata paper. Paper title with linocut illustration on front board.
Tom Knapp: "The reading about the tumultuous Cristeros uprising in western Mexico of 1927-1929 consumed many fascinating days, and the decision to create a series of images of the rebellion followed shortly. ..
"The prints, by any means, do not constitute a history of the CRISTIADA, but are only images which came to mind during the reading of the material available on this very important but largely suppressed or forgotten period in the saga of the turbulent history of western Mexico. The cruel attempt to destroy the Catholic church in the country by the dictator Elias Calles left many dead on both sides of the conflict, Army and peons alike."
$450 (Last Copy) |

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Tom Knapp SOLD Titles: |
Animals in Peril
Images of Some of Our Friends Who May Be Leaving Us
By Tom Knapp
Laredo, Texas: Tom Knapp, 2011. Edition of 100.
8.25 x 6.5 x .75"; 126 pages. 30 original etchings signed and numbered. Hand printed. Bound in cloth covered boards with artist's initials blind embossed on front cover. Slipcased with illustrated paper title on front.
Tom Knapp: "In producing this book of images of some of my favorite animals, I hope to draw attention to their plight, and perhaps contribute in some small way to their survival. These wonderful creatures deserve and need our help if they are able to remain with us, and I am indeed grateful to all the people who dedicate their time and effort in this regard."
Jon Looney, Preface: "Animals in Peril is an important book. It is a necessary book. And it is, even today, a timely book.
"Although it may be little in size, consisting of thirty original etchings by the artist, it is large in its purpose and goal. It preserves images of some of the planet's many endangered animals and it is a call to action for concerned citizens worldwide."
Each etching is accompanied by biographical information of the animal illustrated. Among the animals included are Giant Panda, Galapagos Tortoise, Gavial, and Salt Water Crocodile.
(SOLD) |
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Los Peyoteros
Images of the Pilgrimage to the Land of the Sacred Cactus
By Tom Knapp
N.p.: Tom Knapp, 2008. Edition of 50.
8.5 x 11"; 33 pages. 16 original etchings. Printed on an etching press onto Rives imported acid-free paper. Case bound with boards covered by Mexican handmade Mata paper. Slipcased.
This book uses vignettes and supporting etchings to tell the story of the annual gathering of peyote by peoples native to western Mexico
Tom Knapp, Preface: "In my studies of the Huichol Indians of Western Mexico, I was particularly interested in their annual pilgrimage to gather the peyote cactus for their ceremonies. ... I have been impressed with their dedication to the customs and traditions carried through time, while their myths and ceremonies have survived the centuries. Their religious devotion and practices as exemplified by their Mara' kames - the shaman - are followed by all the Huichol People.
"There are three or four areas where the hunt for the peyote cactus is conducted in the late Fall of each year, but I was most interested in the pilgrimage that travels to the mountains near the old gold and silver mining town of Real de Catorce in the central Mexican state of San Luis Potosi. In early times this was a primary source for gold and silver, even having their own mint, but I am sure that the Hichol pilgrimages preceded the mining by many centuries. The area of the sacred cactus near this old mining town is known as Wirikuta, and when the Peyoteros are in the area, they're transformed into their deities until they return to their villages".
(SOLD) |

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Page last update: 03.30.2024